Rainbows from God

Twice, when I doubted, God showed me twin rainbows in the sky to remind me that He keeps His promises...I want to remember how much I have been blessed with...

Location: Singapore

Daughter of God Wife of Andrew Mother of Faith, Joy & Peace

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Beginning of THE week

Mom's moved in with us for a month from today. Heheh...she seemed all geared up when we met in the morning, ready to get to work; but as the day went, she became more and more relaxed. Good to have her over to help out during the confinement, especially during the first two weeks when I'd be quite immobile, I suppose, but we really just wanted her to take a good break from fussing around my siblings and her two precious babies she's been babysitting since their birth.

She's slowly realizing that there's very little for her to do during my confinement besides cooking for us, bathing Faith and putting the laundry into the washer and dryer. Andrew also asked her to leave heavier tasks like mopping the floor to him when he gets home from work. I don't think she would though -- her own kitchen and bathroom floors are fit to be slept on ANYTIME!!! Usually, she stresses herself up (and others around her at the same time) being the perfectionist in housekeeping. She's less pushy when it's not her territory -- in this case.

I was out almost the whole day again today...what a scandal to many, I guess. ;p Even my own baby sister exclaimed, "What are you doing running around when you're near delivery THIS week?!" Hmm...put it this way, I'm really, really glad I can still move around despite my extremely swollen legs (yeah, not just feet) and reach to cut my own toe nails. The pain in my joints (finger-joints, knuckles, wrists, ankles and knees) subsides in the late mornings after I've moved around for awhile, so I'd rather keep moving than slow-down or do nothing. :) Thanks to all my kind friends, anyway. Please believe that I do cherish your well-meaning words and know that you care for my well-being.

My schedule tomorrow is to get the remaining things we need from Ikea, and clear up the remaining kitchen stuff in the living room and the mess on the dining table.

Not much time left...counting down to Thursday. I can relate to Mr Brown's feeling of everything around becoming larger than life when one expects the first-born...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I turned to look at Andrew and asked him, 'Ok?' He nodded, giving me the 'no choice' look. That was the only reassurance I needed that that is the best we can do for our daughter.

...nothing could set my heart at ease then, until I held my baby girl in my arms and know that she's real, she's here and I have her in my arms...our first born. :)"

Yes, how true. Congratz on Faith's new arrival into the family! :)


Didn't read it till now..yet it still brings joy in me. Believe it would have touched many others, for sure. Thanks for your kind sharing! :)

10:28 PM  

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