Rainbows from God

Twice, when I doubted, God showed me twin rainbows in the sky to remind me that He keeps His promises...I want to remember how much I have been blessed with...

Location: Singapore

Daughter of God Wife of Andrew Mother of Faith, Joy & Peace

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Past few days...

Past few days have been a frenzied whirlwind of happenings keeping us on tiptoes most of the time. We hardly even stopped to speak to each other, and when we did, it'd have been late and we're both dead tired.

Andrew's trying to get as much organised and done around the two apartments at the same time; but I could tell he's more or less a working zombie...trying to stay focused and less confused by his mixed emotions. I can tell there're lots on his mind, but he's trying not to worry me.

Only until this morning, were the two of us finally breaking down...

Faith hardly moved yesterday. The standard observation we were told at the antenatal classes we attended was that there should be at least 10 movements in 12 hours. However, as she's usually very, very active -- often 20-30 movements in 20 minutes (especially when there are interesting sounds like children's voices, people talking to me in a quick and high-pitched tone, loud music, machinery moving near me, Andrew's voice etc.), it got us really, really worried.

I'd been picking up and putting back Yvonne's card with the emergency number yesterday, wondering to call or not to call her. It's a public holiday, and each time when I wanted to call her, Faith moved -- once. At 9.30pm, when I was unpacking our clothes from the suitcases, she started to move regularly again, but still slower than her usual. When Andrew returned from moving the last piece of furniture from Dragon View Park, she perked up responding to his palm placed on my tummy again, like she always does.

We went to Yvonne's clinic first thing this morning and had the CTG done. Heartbeat's normal, as we have observed using stetascope yesterday; movements were still lesser than her usual. Ultrasound showed the umbilical cord has moved up to her ear, but I agree with Yvonne -- we'd rather still play safe. If she's still quiet today and tomorrow, we'll induce on Friday; if she resumes her activity, we'll wait till next week. The strange thing is, after we've made that decision, Faith started to resume her activity.

I wonder if all these were caused by my physical and mental stress over the last few days. I hadn't been resting well because there was too much movement around. I didn't do much (because the guys and girls won't let me touch things) but maybe I've been upright -- sitting or standing around for too long. The swell in my feet just won't come down anymore, even when I've propped them up while I slept. Andrew thinks it might be because Faith is resting on some blood vessel.

Anyway, our new home has been tidied up in a shorter time than we expected. Andrew's set up Faith's room for mom's comfort during her stay with us for my confinement. While I write, he's set up Faith's little corner in our room with her playpen and changing station. He's also set up the study and pc yesterday and today. The rest of the unopened cartons can be sorted out slowly, over time. We have 'volunteers' to help unpack, hehe... Juriah has volunteered her children and herself to help unpack some of the stuff like books and cutlery since school holidays are round the corner.

We have been surrounded by so much love...and we cannot thank God enough for blessing us with all these people whom we love and who loves us...


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