Rainbows from God

Twice, when I doubted, God showed me twin rainbows in the sky to remind me that He keeps His promises...I want to remember how much I have been blessed with...

Location: Singapore

Daughter of God Wife of Andrew Mother of Faith, Joy & Peace

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Looking for directions...

Faith is 22 days old today. The last 22 days have been a flash to me. The hours passed as I watched the clock and the notebook jotting Faith's feeding time. Andrew and I have not even spoken much to each other of anything else besides Faith's development and managing the household. We are both stressed up by the lack of sleep and took turns falling sick. He is down with fever and still trying to complete his thesis.

I am like someone in the sea trying to catch a glimpse of directions from where I am now that I managed to regain a bit of foothold. I don't want to be 'just a stay-at-home-mom with no occupation'. Neither do I want to lose the joy and pleasure of enjoying Faith's company and looking after the household by being so tied down to even be able to find time for prayers.

I managed to steal some time to read while Faith was asleep and feeding today, and finished the chapter on 'Finding Time for Growth' in 'The Stay At Home Mom' by Donna Otto. I had borrowed the book from National Library on 23 Oct -- the weekend before we moved from Dragon View Park, but have not been able to finish reading the book due to so many things happening after that.

The author states the difference between goals and desires. Goals are often confused with desires. A desire is something you want to do that requires someone else's co-operation for accomplishment, while a goal is something you can accomplish that cannot be hindered by someone else.

I need to define and separate my goals and desires and write them down for a clearer view...


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