Rainbows from God

Twice, when I doubted, God showed me twin rainbows in the sky to remind me that He keeps His promises...I want to remember how much I have been blessed with...

Location: Singapore

Daughter of God Wife of Andrew Mother of Faith, Joy & Peace

Friday, December 30, 2005


Faith's colic was at it's worst (touch wood :p so far) day before yesterday. Something happened to scare her too, while Andrew was playing with her when he came home after work. She was smiling happily at Daddy, then her smile suddenly switched to wailing as if she was in pain! We were both shocked and didn't know what to do with her. Checked every bit of her body to see that she's not hurt, but it took her a long time to eventually stop crying after I held her tight and comforted her while I paced around the whole house. But couple of hours later, as soon as she was placed into Andrew's arms , she started crying and eventually was wailing until her whole little body was shaking! Poor Andrew must have felt so bad about what he didn't even know he did or not that Faith cried again and again when passed to him each time. Eventually he didn't even dare to touch her or let her see him. :(

Thank God Faith broke into a beautiful smile at Daddy yesterday afternoon when we had lunch at Ghim Moh after appointment with the infant care centre's principal. I could see Andrew melting at his little girl's smile...we always melt when she smiles. :) I was sooooo glad and grateful that the two 'made up'. Hehe...so touched when I see them looking into each other's eyes and smiled...almost cried. :')


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