Rainbows from God

Twice, when I doubted, God showed me twin rainbows in the sky to remind me that He keeps His promises...I want to remember how much I have been blessed with...

Location: Singapore

Daughter of God Wife of Andrew Mother of Faith, Joy & Peace

Friday, June 22, 2007

K.O.!!! @_@

Dizziness started around Wednesday afternoon when I brought Faith out to give Daddy some peace to finish his work. I thought it was just the humidity...but that progressed to tension headache and I didn't imagine it would become one of the worst migraine relapse I'd ever had. @_@

Only started eating and drinking slowly in small quantity this morning. Couldn't even keep plain warm water in my stomach for the last 2 days! If I'd just prop my head up slightly with a pillow, I'd have to rush to the toilet and puke my guts out~! Yeeeeeucks~! *Shudder*

Everytime I felt Joy turning round and round inside me, I felt so bad for not being able to keep any food and drink down, and having to swallow so much acugesic to at least allow me to move my head and body a bit. :<

Thank God it's over. :)

Thank God for Andrew, for being a patient and caring husband and father while I was totally out. He cooked, played with Faith, fed and showered her, tucked her to bed with him at night, and tolerated her tantrums when she was tired and didn't know where to turn to when mommy and nen-nen was not available. ;p

Thank God for Faith. Despite crying more often when she was tired or feeling insecure as she probably sensed my absence and Daddy's tiredness, she plays on her own most of the time. When I was puking my gut out, she stood next to me by the toilet bowl and asked me, 'Pain? Pain?' and 'Pat? Pat?' So sweet... :) She's really my little rainbow from God. I hope she'll be less lonely when Joy comes along to be her playmate. Thank God for the two little rainbows... :)

Oh yes~ Must also thank God for Traditional Chinese Medicine -- natural remedies that come from Him. :) One of my wishes is to be able to study TCM one day and be a healer to do more of His work. Yes, me and my many wishes...those I have achieved and those I'm still looking forward to. :)


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